上海電力電纜線回收 耐火電纜線回收 上海人民電纜廠回收電纜
概述:上海電力電 纜線回收|耐火電纜線回收|上海人民電纜廠回收電 纜(186-2176-1128周先生)高價工地電纜回收,專業收購高溫、計算機、電力、同軸、耐火、船用電 纜等。它們都是由多股導線組成,用來連接電路、
上海電力電 纜線回收|耐火電纜線回收|上海人民電纜廠回收電 纜(186-2176-1128周先生)高價工地電纜回收,專業收購高溫、計算機、電力、同軸、耐火、船用電 纜等。它們都是由多股導線組成,用來連接電路、電器等。
Shanghai electric power electric cable recovery | refractory cable recovery | people of Shanghai cable factory recovery cable (186-2176-1128 Mr. Zhou) high site cable recovery, specializing in the acquisition of high temperature, computer, electric power, coaxial, refractory, electric cable etc.. They are composed of a plurality of wires, used to connect the circuit, electrical appliance etc..
Long term professional recycling all flame retardant power cable and control cable, XLPE insulated fire control and power cables, halogen-free fire-resistant power control cables -- refractory cable conductor long-term maximum allowable working temperature: PVC = 70 ℃, XLPE at 90 ℃. Cable laying temperature not lower than 0 DEG c.. Refractory characteristics accord with IEC60331-1999 standard. Refractory with high performance, the flame combustion condition, to maintain the safe operation of cables for a certain time, suitable for high-rise buildings, oilfield, telephone, power plant, mining, chemical, subway fire conditions require high places, is the ideal cable emergency power supply, fire pump, elevator, communication signal system. The company has been adhering to the "innovation, refine on upgrading the quality of casting brand, development purpose supreme sincerity customer service", we follow the "pursuit of excellence, strict pragmatic, and trustworthy" spirit of enterprise, and actively provide the highest quality recycling service for our customers, mutual promotion and common development.?[本信息來自于今日推薦網]

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